January 10, 2009

Date Night with the Girls

I am finding it increasingly more fun to hang out with my friends than it is to date. Perhaps it is all of my fantastic and fun friends who are to blame for my singleness!

There is nothing like a gathering of two or more women to ignite intelligent and humorous conversation, to stir emotions and to provide affirmation or confirmation. There's nobody I'd rather share my feelings and thoughts and ideas and dreams with... There's nobody I'd rather drink mango margaritas with or conspire to to good (or bad) with...

My friends are amazing. There is endless diversity among them in age and race and political or religious beliefs. They are equal parts married and single. Some have kids, some don't... They are fat and thin and blondes and brunettes and red heads. They are short and tall. Some are slightly crazy and others are just crazy fun!

They are the people who gently shoot down my bad ideas and encourage the good ones. My friends help me make up my mind in the rare moment when I don't know what I want. They pretend to see my vision when they have no idea what I am plotting or planning and they co-pilot every spontaneous excursion on which I embark.

They laugh with me and cry with me and yell at me when I need it. They hug me when I need it too.

With the exception of sex and procreation necessities, I have everything I need in my friends. And that is why, on most occasions, I'd rather have a date night with the girls than a date with some guy.


Anonymous said...

THIS IS GREAT...it may be my favorite thing you have EVER written! ALL women need to have friends like these...the world would be a MUCH happier place!

Michele said...

Thanks Christy. You are one of them you know!

Anonymous said...

We really need to get together.....I could use one of your ladies nights out!!
