September 28, 2008

Building the Online Profile

For the last few years, I have entered the online dating race but have never really gotten out of the gate. I usually fill out the profile, browse around, get frustrated by the contacts I get and quit before I have a date. But, since we are all embarking on this six months of dating and you all haven't really done your part (hint, hint), I have taken things into my own hands and posted my life resume once again.

I think it is critical to be honest in your profile and I am pretty blunt in mine. I want guys to know what they are getting. I post real, current pictures too.

Just in case you need something to show to ALL those guys you are fixing me up with... here's a glimpse of what I've posted on all those online dating sites:

If you have an appreciation for diversity, in your food, your friends, your music and your experiences...

If you are a die hard, tail-gating football fan, a baseball season ticket holder or you bleed blue...

If you love a good action film but can appreciate the finer points of a drama...

If you have a competitive spirit but a kind heart...

If you are confident but not arrogant... you may be the man for me.

Now... let's take it to another level and be honest about what we want ok?

If you are looking for a short, skinny blonde with a nice rack, I am NOT the girl you are looking for. I am 5'10" with a little more to love and I need a TALL man who can get his arms around me and help me meet my hug quota.

If you want someone who gets jealous when you flirt with her friends (because that's a sign that she really loves you), then I am NOT the girl for you. In the past people have told me that by NOT showing jealousy, it seems as if I don't care. I don't buy that. I want a guy that women love!

Lastly, if you are looking for a woman with no opinion who will agree with everything you say or do... well, then you are just silly. That woman doesn't exist. (And I am certainly not her!) I am not the argumentative type and I am not a big debator. But I enjoy banter now and then and I like to express my opinion through humor.

Now cast your nets people and bring in the big catch. Baseball season is over and I've got some free time!

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