September 3, 2008

Let's Begin!

We are about to embark on a journey together.

You, my friends and readers, and I are going to take a walk down a six month path toward the rest of my life. I understand if you are scared. So am I. But it's time I learn to trust the people I've allowed into my life. The ones who know me better than I think they do...

My biggest fear in life is ending up alone. Never finding a man with whom I can share my life... But until now, I've always felt like I had plenty of time to find him or to wait for him to find me. Now, six months before my 38th birthday, I no longer feel that way. And so, we begin...

What do I need from YOU? For the next six months, I am asking you to open your eyes and ears and, with keen awareness, help me find him. I want you to talk to strangers in the grocery line and get in touch with old friends and chat up the guy who comes to fix your air conditioner. And if you find someone that "looks" like me, fix me up! For the next six months, I will go out with anyone that YOU think I should date.

What am I going to to? I am going to heed the advice and recommendations of YOU. I am going to actively pursue opportunities that I have let pass me by in the past. I vow to find at least 5 dates on my own over the next 6 months as well. I will do my part. I promise.

Let's begin!

1 comment:

Shellie said...

Hi!! So how is the journey going? I have been looking around....almost had one, but he was not good enough.